L Law Act 102/2009 dated 10th September, under article 97 establishes the objectives for the relevant functioning of occupational health and safety services.
According to and under this article occupational health and safety services aims to:
- Ensure working conditions that safeguard the safety and physical and mental health of workers;
- Develop technical conditions that ensure the application of preventive measures defined under article 15;
- Inform and train workers in the field of occupational health and safety;
- Inform and consult the workers’ occupational safety and health representatives or, failing that, the workers themselves.
Additional Health Examinations:
Types of Medical Examinations:
Occupational Health

It is in Ceniude – Medical Center, founded in 1993 and one of the first authorized occupational health providers in Portugal by the General Directorate of Health Services (authorization No. 021/2010, updated to No.12), that you will find a team of highly specialized professionals to provide support in and within the scope of Occupational Health Medicine.
Nowadays Occupational Health represents a vital role in the human capital strategy of all economic agents, being subscribed to by the general scientific community and by renown international organizations, such as WHO and ILO at an International level.
The primary prevention of occupational hazards, creating healthy workplaces, protecting and promoting health, in addition to valuing individual and psychosocial factors and the access to occupational health services are Ceniude’s core objectives, these being based on the already well-defined factors by the World Health Organization, the Directorate General of Health Services and the Authority for Working Conditions amongst others.
Workers are the key players within the workplace, be it on Land, Sea or in the Air, their health, well-being and safety are extremely important within the fulfilment of their professional duties considering the surrounding environment.
Within the workplace there is a considerable number and diversity of health risk factors, which are traditionally classified according to their nature, physical, chemical and biological risk factors related to the job capable of causing changes to the Musculoskeletal System and psychosocial. Occupational Health Medicine and Occupational Safety jointly promote actions that envisage appropriate interventions in the workplace to minimize the risks in the professional groups involved. It is in this context that Ceniude considers it fundamental to have good knowledge of the workplace and the various tasks at hand, thus visiting the various workplaces being a crucial role.

For us the health and the general well-being of workers is a priority, therefore, in the medical examinations we seek to inform/sensitize workers on healthy lifestyles, namely on the risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, substance abuse and the importance of good sleep, hygiene, amongst others.
Workers are the key players in the workplace, be it on Land, Sea or in the Air, their health, well-being and safety are of extreme importance in the undertaking of their job, taking into account the surrounding environment.